Why Diet & Exercise Don’t Always Work

You may believe weight loss is a matter of diet and exercise. Yet managing your weight isn’t always that simple.

Here are some of the common challenges patients face on their journey to shed excess weight.

Common Causes of Failed Weight Loss

Some people inherit a slower metabolism or a tendency to store fat in certain areas. This can hinder weight loss – even with a solid foundation of diet and exercise.

Hormones such as insulin, leptin, and ghrelin regulate hunger, fullness, and fat storage. Even minor hormonal disruptions can impede weight loss.

Speaking of hormones, insulin resistance in particular can disrupt the body’s ability to process glucose. This often leads to increased fat storage.

Metabolic rates may vary by person or even change over time. A slow metabolism will burn calories less efficiently – and make weight loss more difficult.

Anxiety and depression can influence a person’s eating habits. Addressing these mental health struggles will help you adopt healthier food patterns.

Human beings are adaptive. Prolonged calorie restriction can prompt the body to slow the metabolism – making weight loss harder to sustain.

Here the idea is that the body tries to uphold a “set point” weight. Efforts to go below this point can heighten hunger or decrease metabolism.

Begin your wellness journey with Olika and achieve a healthier, happier you.

Achieving weight loss success requires a balanced approach and consistent lifestyle changes, often accompanied by periods of medical therapy. We are here to guide you on your journey to a healthier you.